Joker draw 2744: Today’s lucky numbers

Joker draw 2744: Today’s lucky numbers
Joker draw 2744: Today’s lucky numbers


Joker draw today Tuesday 23/04/2024 and the money was… a lot! In the OPAP Joker draw, today Tuesday 23-04-2024 (draw number 2744), lucky numbers were: 1,4,5,8.22 and joker on 15 .

Online participation in JOKER is done through opaponline.Gr from computer, mobile phone or tablets. At, the entertainment experience is upgraded and offers everyone something unique! OPAP’s favorite number games (KINO, JOKER, LOTTO, PROTO, SUPER3) are online, wherever you are. Now, you can enjoy the new online destination from OPAP or from your computer, or from your smartphone.

At you submit an online ticket for all OPAP number games (CINEMA, JOKER, LOTTO, PROTO, SUPER3), you are informed in real time about the draws and the results and you claim unique offers* for an even more fun game.

You download the Opaponline application App or enter the opaponline.Gr and the game begins!

18+ terrestrial, 21+ digital | Competent EEEP Regulator | Risk of addiction & loss of property | SUPPORT LINE 1114 | Play Responsibly

The article is in Greek

Tags: Joker draw Todays lucky numbers


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