Eleni Andreadis on Realfm 97.8 about “Save the bee – The Parnitha Bee Project” and the reconstruction of biodiversity in Parnitha

Eleni Andreadis on Realfm 97.8 about “Save the bee – The Parnitha Bee Project” and the reconstruction of biodiversity in Parnitha
Eleni Andreadis on Realfm 97.8 about “Save the bee – The Parnitha Bee Project” and the reconstruction of biodiversity in Parnitha

Through the “SAVE THE BEE – The Parnitha Bee Project” program, the Sani/Ikos Hotel Group and TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas are replacing the 75 registered beehives with 1.5 million bees that were destroyed in the fires of previous years, in collaboration with the NGO Bee for Planet, the Agricultural University of Athens and the auspices of the Region of Attica, thus contributing to the restoration of the precious biodiversity of the most important lung of Attica.

Eleni Andreadis, Director of Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility of Sani/Ikos Group, spoke on the show of Nikos Hatzinikolaou on Realfm 97.8 about the effort being made.

“This is an initiative that we started by joining forces with TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas and we are implementing in collaboration with the non-profit organization Bee for Planet and the Agricultural University of Athens. With the aim of strengthening the natural restoration of biodiversity in Parnitha, which has been significantly affected in recent years due to fires, we undertake to replace the burned beehives, of course taking care of their food and daily care for the next three years,” he noted.

“Bees are one of nature’s most important pollinators, contributing decisively to the preservation and regeneration of biodiversity – especially after disasters such as fires. By installing 75 beehives in three focal points of the mountain, in Thrakomakedones, Phyli and Varymbopi, and releasing 1.5 million bees in the area, we estimate that an area of ​​more than 235 thousand hectares will benefit, out of the 300 thousand hectares that are the total area of ​​Mount Parnitha. Through the process of pollination, over 19 billion plants and flowers are predicted to be fertilized over a three-year horizon, in turn attracting other insects, birds, and other animal species. Thus, the most important lung of Attica will be revitalized in a natural way” he added.

The article is in Greek

Tags: Eleni Andreadis Realfm Save bee Parnitha Bee Project reconstruction biodiversity Parnitha


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