Lambroulis’ question on the revision of the planned projects of ERGOSE SA. at the Pharsal Cross

Lambroulis’ question on the revision of the planned projects of ERGOSE SA. at the Pharsal Cross
Lambroulis’ question on the revision of the planned projects of ERGOSE SA. at the Pharsal Cross

A question was submitted to the Minister of Transport by members of the KKE, among them the member of parliament for Larissa, Mr. Giorgos Lambroulis, in which they refer to:

“The Pharsalon Cross has been seriously affected in the last three years due to the flooding phenomena (“Ianos”, “Daniel”, “Elias”). Inundation depths of 1-2 meters were noted in the part of the village, east of the railway line (upstream), which caused incalculable damage to homes and arable land, while the damage to the railway network (fault in the embankment of the railway line) was also serious 1.5 km south of Paleofarsalon station. Works to restore the “network” have already been started by ERGOSE SA. and in the section that passes through the village of Stavros.

But after an autopsy by the technical service of the Municipality of Farsala, in collaboration with a researcher following complaints from the residents of the village, it was found that the cross-sections of the rainwater drainage pipes from the eastern to the western part of the village are too small for the effective drainage of water, even for normal rainfall (as has happened in the past).

Thus, the huge amounts of water that accumulated on the eastern side of the railway line (“Daniel”), played an important role in the rupture of the line itself (1.5 km) south of the village. A problem that might have been avoided if the storm drains along the railway had been properly designed allowing for greater runoff.

Taking into account the complaints and interventions of the residents of the village, the information from the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection about the ineffectiveness of the existing technical works, as well as the fact that works are already being carried out in the area by ERGOSE S.A., it is considered how these interventions need to be revised by taking measures to increase the capacity of the streams, upstream and downstream, in order to ensure both the railway network and the safety of residents and their properties from flooding.

The Minister is being asked what actions he will take so that all the necessary measures and projects are taken and implemented, in order to avoid similar dangerous disasters from flood phenomena in the village of Stavros in the future and also to prevent disasters in the railway network”.

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The article is in Greek


Tags: Lambroulis question revision planned projects ERGOSE Pharsal Cross


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