No Seasonal colleague should lose his job

No Seasonal colleague should lose his job
No Seasonal colleague should lose his job

To be judged by previous service – experience and not by Body Mass Index…

With a letter to the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, the Under-Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection and the General Secretary of Civil Protection, the Panhellenic Federation of Five-Year Obligation & Contract Firefighters, requests that prior service – experience and not be taken into account as the main criterion for their colleagues the Body Mass Index, as indicated by characteristics.

As they report, they find out after regret for their colleagues that they go through eleven (11) male doctors and twelve (12) female doctors, that they are cut for their Body Mass Index (BMI), and they are fired for 1-2 – 3 kg more than normal.

Mr. Minister, according to your words, “We will have a difficult fire prevention period”. Therefore, NO Colleague should lose his “bread” for 1 – 2 – 3 extra kilos, when in fact his rating from his respective Commander is good! This valuable experience gained in four (4) – five (5) years of service or for some thirty (30) years of service is needed more than ever and must be utilized to the fullest in this difficult time! If a Colleague’s visual acuity is (9/10) instead of (10/10), then it is cut. Did it really have to be cut? Some who have strabismus and are in certain positions, because they are not cut?”

And POPYSYP continues:

In the Firemen, who with Law 4662/2020 became Officers, shortly before their retirement, were these criteria included, like the D.M.S., which you put on the €750 Seasonal Colleagues? Why didn’t it happen?

We therefore ask that NO Seasonal Colleague NOT LOSE THEIR JOB and that the evaluation of their Commander be taken into account, an evaluation that you unfortunately ignore and creates a very big question mark for us! WHY ?”.

Let us finally note that the letter is being communicated to the Prime Minister’s Office, the MPs and the G.S.E.E.

The article is in Greek


Tags: Seasonal colleague lose job


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