P. Halvatzis: “Present” again for the presidency of the Komotini Hunting Association


The response of the hunters of the region to the elections held in the Hunting Association of Komotini for the selection of a new board of directors was unprecedented.

As you read in “X”, 927 members of the association, i.e. more than half of those registered, hurried to cast their vote. This participation was greater than the recent national elections in some areas!

The current president Panagiotis Halvatzis read the high turnout and the election result as a “message” from the members, that “they are close to the club and support our administration”. Speaking on radio Chronos 87.5fm, he also expressed his desire to be re-elected president in the elections that follow in the new board of directors, declaring that he is “present” in this process.

“I think that the previous term of the board of directors was recognized, people honored us, came, listened to our actions and approved the way in which we managed the club in the previous four years, giving us the mandate to continue”, he noted regarding the election process .

A ballot with informal groups
In terms of the election process, there was only one unitary-common ballot, however informal groups vying for the administration were evident in it, with the Halvatzi informal group prevailing by a wide margin.

“All my colleagues were elected and by a very wide margin, but all together we will again try to keep our club at a serious level and deal with the issues that exist”, he promised.

The article is in Greek


Tags: Halvatzis Present presidency Komotini Hunting Association


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