Bravo for the lighting in Neiporio! Now light up the harbor too!…


Well done to the administration for listening to us (after two publications in a month) and managed to enlighten Neiporio. As we can see in the photo above (sent by our diligent reader) the entire route from Plakoura to Agia Thalassini (which was fully illuminated for the first time during Giannis-Lotsaris) has returned to its normal state.

At the same time, as you will all see, the administration managed to repair all the footbridge lights that some unconscious people destroyed some time ago. Our diligent reader’s photos may not be perfect, but they depict the repair of the damage. We especially appreciate that despite its personal dislike, the current administration listens to us. Nothing personal ladies and gentlemen let’s get the job done. And as we can see, with a little journalistic push, you succeeded. You see, criticism helps you and Andros more than public relations publications. But you have time ahead of you to learn this chapter better. It’s enough to read us just as carefully…

Otherwise, take the trouble to complete the harbor lighting as well now that you’ve found money in the harbor treasury so that it too can be restored to its original state. And in this case, we appreciate that as we were heard (after two critical publications of ours in two months) and in the port of Gavrio that you succeeded and illuminated a while ago, you will also succeed in Chora. On the other hand, we are here to make constructive interventions, as you can now see by gradually adapting to the new reality of demanding everyday life…


The article is in Greek


Tags: Bravo lighting Neiporio light harbor too ..


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