What happens to your body when you drink orange juice every day

What happens to your body when you drink orange juice every day
What happens to your body when you drink orange juice every day

Should you drink orange juice occasionally or every day? Maybe you start your day with a glass of orange juice, enjoy it at a leisurely Sunday brunch, or drink it in a hurry while getting the kids ready for school. In any case, orange juice can provide you with a strong dose of vitamins.

When consumed in moderation, orange juice can be part of a healthy diet“, he says Lon Ben-Asher, a nutritionist at the Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami. “It is rich in nutrients, providing essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other phytonutrients. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, which has been shown to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of cancer“, says the expert.

What happens to your body when you drink orange juice every day

  • Boosting vitamin C intake
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Possible increase in sugar intake
  • Possible increase in blood sugar
  • Potassium intake at normal levels

Boost vitamin C in your body with a glass of orange juice

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, a nutrient that according to the nutritionist Kim Rose, your body cannot produce on its own. “Drinking a glass of orange juice is a surefire way to get an excellent amount of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C.“, he says.

Vitamin C contributes to maintaining health:

  • of the skin,
  • of the bones,
  • of the gums and
  • of the teeth.

At the same time, it prevents scurvy, a rare condition caused by vitamin C deficiency and leads to:

  • anemia,
  • bruises on the skin and
  • gum and teeth problems.

It is important to note that excessive intake of vitamin C can cause side effects. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 65 mg to 90 mg, according to Rose, and a cup of orange juice contains about 120 mg. Because vitamin C is water-soluble, you will likely excrete excess vitamin C through your urine.

However, in some cases, consuming too much vitamin C can cause:

  • diarrhea,
  • abdominal cramps,
  • vomiting or
  • headaches.

Rose recommends that you avoid drinking 15 or more glasses of orange juice per day, as this is well over the daily recommended amount.

Boost your immune system with the benefits of vitamin C

Vitamin C is vital for the growth and repair of body tissues. According to the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, can help heal wounds and fight free radicals in the bodywhich may prevent certain types of cancer and heart disease.

Furthermore, vitamin C helps reduce the effects of osteoarthritis and helps you age healthily.

Also, vitamin C strengthens the immune system. It may not prevent you from getting sick, but research shows that it can reduce the duration and severity of a cold.

How much sugar do you add to your orange juice?

Are you consuming more sugar than you think? Not all orange juices are the same, Rose points out. Many products contain added sugar, so she recommends looking for juices made from 100% oranges or 100% orange juice concentrate.

It is important to read the nutrition facts table and the ingredients section on the package”, says Ben-Asher. “It must not contain added sugars, sugar or other sweeteners in the sweeteners section».

In addition, check that it does not contain additives. Most orange juice sold in supermarkets is pasteurized, which means it is heated to a specific temperature to kill bacteria and prevent foodborne illness.

However, Ben-Asher says this process can cause the orange juice to lose some of its nutrients. Freshly squeezed orange juice is best because it usually includes pulp, which contains fiber, the expert says.

How orange juice can affect your blood sugar

Oranges contain fructose, a natural sugar. Orange juice, however, is usually made from several oranges, increasing the amount of sugar you consume, according to Ben-Asher. Additionally, the juicing process removes fiber, which contributes to satiety and healthy glucose metabolism.

Elevated blood sugar levels: Drinking orange juice can lead to rapid absorption of fructose by the body, thus increasing blood sugar levels. “Large amounts of fructose in the bloodstream cannot be fully metabolized and may be stored as fat, increasing the risk of obesity-related type 2 diabetes”, explains Ben-Asher.

Prefer whole fruit: To better manage your blood sugar levels, it’s a good idea to choose whole oranges instead of orange juice. The fiber (soluble and insoluble) found in the whole fruit increases satiety and helps you feel fuller for longer. This, according to Ben-Asher, helps control daily calorie intake.

Juice vs. whole fruit: “Drinking juice is not the same as eating whole fruit”, emphasizes Ben-Asher. “It takes about four oranges to produce one cup of juice. The commercial juicing process removes the pulp and flesh from the orange, so you’re essentially drinking sugary water, more concentrated and higher in calories compared to eating the whole fruit».

Source of potassium for the body – Beware of excessive consumption

Orange juice also contains potassium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of body cells.

Potassium contributes to:

  • Regulating heart rate
  • Maintaining good nerve and muscle function
  • Protein synthesis
  • Metabolism of carbohydrates
  • In addition, it can reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

But beware of excessive consumption!

Drinking too much orange juice can increase the potassium levels in your body too much. This can lead to a condition called hyperkalemiawhich occurs when potassium levels in your blood become too high.

In extreme cases, hyperkalemia can affect the heart and cause:

  • chest pain,
  • arrhythmias,
  • muscular weakness,
  • abdominal pain,
  • nausea and
  • diarrhea.

The article is in Greek

Tags: body drink orange juice day


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