New “GAIA” rural tariffs from PPC – The prices

New “GAIA” rural tariffs from PPC – The prices
New “GAIA” rural tariffs from PPC – The prices

The distribution of special “GAIA” electricity tariffs by PPC has begun, for farmers, in application of the institutional framework established by the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

These are four new ten-year agricultural products available from PPC exclusively to agricultural customers, with a fixed price per kilowatt hour for the first two years.

At the end of the first two years and for the next eight, a fixed price will apply for 1/3 of the consumption, while for the rest of the consumption the farmers will have the option of choosing a tariff from those offered during that period.

The prices for the first two years are:


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– 9.3 cents per kilowatt-hour for farmers belonging to cooperative schemes or practicing contract farming without arrears or 10.5 cents per kilowatt-hour if they have arrears in settlement.

– 9.8 cents per kilowatt hour for other holders of rural electricity connections without arrears or 11 cents per kilowatt hour if they have arrears in settlement.

For the next 8 years and for a third of consumption the charge will be 9 cents per kilowatt hour.

Owners of Low or Medium Voltage rural electricity connections, for which there are no overdue debts or have settled account debts issued up to 12/31/2023, have the right to join GAIA products.

In case of any unsettled overdue debts for accounts until 12/31/2023, the interested parties should first join the Debt Settlement Program suitable for them offered by PPC and then apply to join the GAIA tariff suitable for them.

Those interested can find out more about PPC’s GAIA agricultural products, as well as the membership conditions, on the relevant page at or by calling toll-free at 800-500-7000.

The application for inclusion in GAIA agricultural products can be made on the specially designed PPC platform and should be completed by June 26, 2024.

Source: RES-MPE

GAIA rural tariffs PPC prices


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