Lyggeridis murder: A closed police team handled the case for 4 months in extreme secrecy – Greece

Lyggeridis murder: A closed police team handled the case for 4 months in extreme secrecy – Greece
Lyggeridis murder: A closed police team handled the case for 4 months in extreme secrecy – Greece

One of the first-class names of “Gate 7”, considered by the Attica Security Service, tried to escape abroad, a moral perpetrator in the murder of the chief guard Giorgos Lyggeridislast December, in Renti, on the sidelines of the Olympiacos-Panathinaikos volleyball match.

THE 40 year organized fan was arrested on Sunday afternoon in Ioannina by police officers of the city’s Security, following instructions received from a senior officer of the Attica Security.

The Ioannina Security Police were looking for him for about an hour in a certain part of the Epirus capital, and when they found his car, they waited for him to return.

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So he fell into their “lens” and the moment he was approaching it luxury jeep with his 24-year-old girlfriend, they immobilized him and handcuffed him. He had 5,000 euros, four mobile phones and two sim cards in his possession.

On Sunday night, he was taken to the police headquarters on Alexandras Avenue in a conventional security car.

The Attica Security officers had information that the 40-year-old was preparing to flee to Albania, which is why they hastened his arrest.

Thousands of pages of the case file

About 5,500 pages counts n case file for the criminal organization accused of murdering the 31-year-old police officer in Rentis and 13 more incidents of sports violence.

According to police sources, the 158 they are allegedly accused – as the case may be – of “blind” attacks that occurred in the last five years, in Ioannina, Nea Philadelphia, Volos, Lamia, Malakasa, Ilion and Neo Faliro.

The police believe that the murderous attack on the MAT squad of Giorgos Lyggeridis was “retaliation» in the incidents that took place at the Panthessal Stadium in Volos between Olympiacos fans and the Police.

Main protagonistsaccording to police sources, in the file filed for a criminal organization is 40 years old who is alleged to be the head of a certain organized group of followersone 27 years old which allegedly also had the role of “storekeeper”one 31 years old described as “the hard man of the stands», a peer of who was previously mapped as a person with connections to the Golden Augor even one 36 years old who had recently engaged the Police after a fight that had taken place outside the stadium “G. Karaiskakis” in Neo Faliro.

Information indicates that in the case file there are distinct roles, such as leaders, coordinators, team leaders and members of the executive arm.

The background

A closed police team where reported to the leadership of the Police handled for four months and under extreme secrecy the case of the murder of George Lyggeridis.

The mandate from the political leadership was “complete the investigation and find those responsible».

For fear that there might be reactions, pressures, leaks that would cause a problem in the investigation or even threats against the police resulted in the creation of a very closed group of police officers who were “working” on the case, while there were even competent officers of EL.AS. who have recently been taking increased self-protection measures.

Yes, there was assistance of special services -beyond the Sub-Directorate for Combating Sports Violence which created the case file- in order to avoid any “unexpected” situations. “One of the reasons the police carried out their mission was to seal off the investigation.”characteristically notes a source from EL.AS.

To the question of how high up the organization’s hierarchy the investigation reached, police sources answer that “among those arrested are leading figures who are not only related to the case in Rentis but also to other fanatical incidents that took place in Volos, Attiki and Ioannina” .

In the last 4 months, the Sub-Directorate for Combating Violence in Sports Venues of the Attica Security Directorate, with the assistance of the Criminal Investigations Directorate, conducted an extensive investigation under the utmost secrecy to fully elucidate the criminal hooligan attack in the area of ​​Rentis, which resulted in the death of YAT police officer Georgios Lyggeridis“, he said in his statements Chief of the Greek Police, Dimitris Mallios.

“In order to solve this murderous attack from the first moment, more than 400 leads had been made, so that no conviction was lost, while one person had been arrested and brought to justice.”

The Chief of the Greek Police pointed out that for the deconstruction of the criminal organization in question, since the early hours of yesterday, Monday (22/04) “a wide police operation was carried out, in the context of the ongoing preliminary investigation, with the assistance of the E.K.A.M. and police dogs, resulting in the arrest of 64 people so far.

At the same time, they have been carried out 58 house searches and 15 in vehicles and a multitude of persuasions including pistols, wooden bats, knives, drugs, clothing, digital media and more have been seized.

Our commitment to combating sports violence and overall lawlessness is absolute. We will continue to work with a plan and determination for the safety of citizens and peaceful coexistence in our society.”

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The article is in Greek

Tags: Lyggeridis murder closed police team handled case months extreme secrecy Greece


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