The reason sexual abuse was considered

The reason sexual abuse was considered
The reason sexual abuse was considered

The forensic report shed light on the causes of the death of the one-year-old infant in Kos and it was established that he choked on french fries he was eating at home. At the same time, the authorities looked into whether she had been the victim of sexual abuse, which was later ruled out.

Dead infant in Kos: His sibling will be examined for signs of abuse

According to Mega, which chronicled the tragedy, the one-year-old girl was taken unconscious to the Kos hospital on Saturday afternoon.

The mother finds that her little girl has lost consciousness. He tries to help her to no avail. She shouts, with the residents of the apartment building rushing to help her. The EMS rescuers who arrive at the scene find that the infant is not breathing. They attempt resuscitation and transfer him to the General Hospital of Kos.

It all happened in less than an hour. At a quarter to eight the 20-year-old mother found her baby unconscious. Half an hour later he called EKAV and while in the meantime he was trying with the help of neighbors to bring it back. The ambulance arrived at 8:25 and seven minutes later, the infant was taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead at a quarter past nine.

“When the emergency doctor came, she was shouting for someone to bring a defibrillator. The mom is seven months pregnant, what she was saying is that she had fed the baby potato chips and put her to bed and she didn’t know exactly what happened,” said an eyewitness.

Doctors at the hospital found undigested food in his respiratory system, as well as abrasions and generalized ecchymosis in various parts of his body. They asked for further examination to determine if she had been sexually abused.

The medical examiner who examined it in Rhodes, however, found no traces of sexual abuse, ruled that death came from suffocation due to undigested food and that the abrasions probably came from previous beatings.

The parents, who were arrested, said the infant’s injuries were the result of either an accident or a beating by her 2-year-old brother, who will also be examined by the medical examiner.

What alarmed the authorities

What alarmed the authorities is that the father of the infant has been accused and arrested in the past for pornography. For this reason, the authorities searched the father’s cell phone and computer.

The investigation so far has shown that child pornography searches were found on his mobile phone.


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The article is in Greek

Tags: reason sexual abuse considered


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