Lamia Labor Center: May 1st Strike

Lamia Labor Center: May 1st Strike
Lamia Labor Center: May 1st Strike


Strike Rally

May 1 M. Wednesday || 11:00 am || pl. Freedom

May Day is the world day of the working class and this is how we will celebrate, this is how we will honor her. Working men and women all over the world together with their unions will be on the street, fighting against the unjust laws and governments that have sat on the necks of the people, against their poverty and their wars.

In Chicago May 1886, the workers were demanding 8 hours with their blood. Today the best European practices, the directions of the E.U. who come here and every government makes them an anti-labor law of the state, they have broken the fixed hours, they have imposed flexible hours, 11-13 hours of work a day, 6-7 days a week and they call this progress.

We will not leave them – May 1st we strike and put our lives on the line

May Day marks the struggle of the workers, against their capitalist exploiters, to claim better working and living conditions, but also to pave the way for the abolition of the exploitation of man by man, for the overthrow of the brutality of the system we live in.

From Chicago in 1886 to May Day in Athens in 1894, from May 1936 in Thessaloniki to May Day 1944 with the 200 executed communists in Kaisariani, the working class has written with its blood the most brilliant pages of the class struggle, of organized struggle and assertion.

We continue the struggle for our modern needs

The latest strike movements sent the message that we put our own lives before the profits of the capitalists. Strikes organized from below, by unions and agencies, by the Labor Center of Lamia, against the attempt to undermine by the leadership of GSEE, ADEDY and here the EKPEF.

The sensational strike on April 17 in Larymna, outside LARCO, united the struggle to re-smoke the chimney with the struggles for SSE, for wage increases, for measures against punctuality for a dignified life.

We continue our solidarity with arms

On the 1st MAI we welcome the workers of LARCO in Lamia

At the May Day rally in Lamia, LARCO workers will be organized with their unions, carrying their struggle we will join hands again.

We strengthen the fight for our modern needs, against their development that closes factories, that withers regions, that steps on our broken rights, against the profits of the few.

Progress for these few is the intensity of exploitation and war

75 years since the founding of the NATO imperialist killing machine and 25 years since the dismemberment of Yugoslavia by NATO and the EU., the workers and the popular strata are experiencing the consequences of the intensity of imperialist wars and conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. They are experiencing the consequences of Greece’s ever deeper involvement, its increasingly strong ties with NATO and the EU, for the benefit of shipowners, industrialists, businessmen and their interests in the region.

At the same time we are experiencing poverty, they are forcing us to live with wages reduced by 25% compared to 2010, accuracy has made everything unreachable, business groups are recording record profits.

This policy that we live here, is implemented in all EU countries. It is the reason why workers are taking to the streets en masse and fighting for their modern needs. They are hopeful struggles, they show the enormous power of the organized working class, they illuminate the path of perspective against capitalist exploitation.

We continue even more determined to:

  • Claiming better working and living conditionsfor SSE with salary increases and rights expansion.
  • The immediate abolition of anti-labor laws which crush the 8-hour shift and criminalize trade union action, prohibit the right to strike. We fight for 7 hours – 5 days – 35 hours as the development of science and technology allows.
  • Immediate measures against accuracy.
  • Immediate health and safety measures of workers at work.
  • Disengagement from imperialist designs and war conflictss.
  • Solidarity with the people of Palestine, in the fair and cruel struggle he is fighting against the murderous state of Israel, which is slaughtering it with the backs of NATO and the EU.

For the working class around the world, May Day is a beacon of implacable class struggle. The ND government’s attempt to abolish the May Day strike, based on a SYRIZA law, and to turn it into a public holiday, will not pass.

Our matches they must continue and grow stronger

Everyone at the strike Rally

May 1 M. Wednesday || 11:00 am || pl. Freedom

The article is in Greek

Tags: Lamia Labor Center #1st Strike


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