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4,000 books available to the public

Over 4,000 books and magazines of Greek and international prose are on the shelves of the open library of KETHEA Pilotos in Volos, attracting the interest of dozens of Volians who systematically visit the place and borrow books. In fact, this entire collection of books was made from donations and the effort hopefully closes in 4.5 years.

The most important thing is that the lending library is addressed to the entire public and is part of the early intervention program for addictive behaviors of the KETHEA Pilot.

How the idea was born

In his related informative article on this specific action, Xenophon Selpesakis, head of education and research at KETHEA PILOTS and animator of the “Transformations” cultural venue, points out that “since 2012, on the occasion of a donation of books, the idea for the creation of a library for the members of the treatment program, with the aim of motivating them to open a book to relax and have fun, something, for the vast majority, completely outside their habits. The first collection gradually gained more momentum, attracting a series of donations from several friends in Volos, as well as other regions of Greece.

The big milestone was in 2016. That was when the “Transformations” culture hangout was created within the program, so named both because it was originally housed in a rented shop on Metamorfosis street, and because of the work that takes place inside the structure and changes-transforms the lives of the people who use it.

It was also then that the systematic formation and opening of the library to the public of Volos was decided. The rationale behind the decision was that a mental health service program must have a door open to society, constantly communicating, collaborating and contributing to social and cultural development, combating isolation and stigmatization for anyone who walks through its doors.

Also, by supporting the communication and participation of citizens in creative, cultural and social activities, we help to shape that social daily life, which will be closer to their needs and expectations”.

“The development of volunteering and social participation is a permanent goal of a program such as KETHEA PILOTS and they are developed both “outward” – social participation of the members, and “inward” – utilization of volunteers for educational/creative activities and participation volunteers in the association of friends, volunteers and family of KETHEA PILOTS”, observes Mr. Salpesakis and continues to mention:

“Everything is based on an attitude of life with the values ​​of solidarity, social justice, social participation and volunteering, which was also the driving force – six female volunteers worked systematically – for the registration of the books, the marking and in general the setting up and the operation of the library”, continues Mr. Selpesakis.

The library- center of culture as the focus of the community

According to Mr. Selpesakis, the model of libraries-culture centers at the center of the community has been widely spread and with great success for many years in Europe, but also in the USA and can be an important factor in our country for the promotion/strengthening of education and culture.

“Regarding the educational value, we strengthen and support education as a desire for creative entertainment, free knowledge, experimentation, development of critical thinking, but also as a means of joining communities of common interests, communication, education/training.

Regarding culture, as a space for the artistic expression and creation of community members, for participation in cultural events and events, for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, for the personal and collective development of the cultural horizon of expectation.

And of course combined, as structures that invest in education, training, culture, entertainment all year round in every community, as spaces that promote the fight against social inequalities and ensure coexistence regardless of beliefs, gender, race, religion, language.

As spaces that promote and connect personal development with lifelong learning, culture, cooperation between citizens, but also the communication of groups, young and old, who also live in institutions, nursing homes, penitentiaries and others,” continues animator of the cultural venue “Transformations”.

The library is first and foremost a relationship

Having all of the above as a starting point, the library of “Transformations” managed in the 4.5 years since acquiring its permanent home in the renovated Streftari building, G. Kartali 48, to develop strong dynamics, which is reflected in measurable results.

First, in activity. A respectable number of books and periodicals – more than 4,000, Greek and international prose, art, humanities, travel books, a small collection of works by Voliot authors is in the library, and a significant number of visitors are recorded throughout the year on a constant basis, which is borrowed systematic books, but also that offers systematic books. All acquisitions are donations and this is recorded by name for each donor on the stamp of each book.

The books are cataloged and sorted using the Dewey system, according to subject, genre, language of the original, as well as alphabetically, and the library is open daily, 08:30-16:00 and in the afternoons on event days.

In addition to lending books, a series of actions are organized to promote the love of reading and the development of creative activities: book presentations, exhibitions, reading club, film screenings, creative workshops, etc.

“The second impression of the dynamics is the most measurable and recognizable for us and it came, among others, from a member of another library in Volos. “Your library is first and foremost a relationship!”. Here we want people to get to know each other, to exchange ideas, to go to regular meetings, like Mr. George every Monday morning at 9 or Mr. Petros in the past every Wednesday before mass, often bringing 1-2 books as gifts in the basket. And let them not take a book. Or “how can I help, volunteer in your project?”. As David Langers, professor of history and economics at Harvard, said, “Bad libraries build collections. Good ones build services and great libraries build communities.” We always start from the third”, concludes Mr. Salpesakis.

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The article is in Greek

Tags: books public

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